Global Prayer

We host weekly, virtual prayer meetings for any and all entrepreneurs interested on Thursdays from 9:30pm - 10:00pm Singapore Time (UTC +8) to gather in corporate prayer and seek the Lord's guidance in our call to create.

Whether you come every week or once a quarter, you are welcome to drop into the Zoom call with other entrepreneurs and be lead through different topics of prayer by a member of the Faith Driven Entrepreneur Team.

We would love to see you there!


Lord God, we come to you to surrender every aspect of our lives and our work to you. You are the hero of this story, and we’re so grateful to get to experience it alongside you.

You are the Creator of the world, and you have placed your people in unique callings in every corner of the globe. We recognize that we are only a small piece of your grand puzzle—help us steward that opportunity well. Be with us as we come alongside those who are working to make an impact in the marketplace for you. May we be your hands and feet to the people we interact with and serve. We pray that you would use us as a vessel for encouragement for anyone who is in need. Let us always remember that our work is all about you, and not about us.

You have called us to shape culture by caring for those around us. Help us follow in your footsteps. Help us steward your creation. Help us work with you to bring order to a fallen world.

We want to invest your resources to bring about your kingdom. The journey isn’t easy. But you haven’t asked us to travel it alone. Thank you for giving us the ever-present comfort of your Holy Spirit. And the hands and feet of your Church in the form of our fellow believers.

Be with us as we rise up...with one voice in many languages. Give us provisions for the journey. Show us when and where and how to steward what you’ve put in our hands. Use us to bring about human redeem what is proclaim your name in our neighborhoods. Let that proclamation be loud enough to be heard in the streets of heaven above.

May people hear our shouts and know your name. In Jesus’s name. Amen.